It will allow you to trade a bit more aggressively and walk up to hit more farm while being able to sustain your hp. Zorroh says “Teemo can be a bit of a tricky matchup early game because of his ability to outrange Mini Gnar as well as stop auto attacks with his Q blind. pick up oracles post 6 and buy a pink everytime u back as well bc when ur oracle's is down, dropping a pink in lane or river will reveal any more shrooms he's put down since u left” u will be their target for blinds in skirmishes and team fights. a mantle and an early spirit visage/wit's end will go a long way as their job is to keep on-hit heavy champs down. try to bait out his blind before u go for early trades. trading with teemo is a little difficult as his w gives him enough ms to sidestep ur spells, especially a q3 or r engage, so try to get on top of him before u q3, or mix it up, and sit on q2, engage, and build up q3 while u fight him. its not worth the 60-90g, 21g or 14g over a hefty % of ur hp (unless u have means of regaining that quickly). if he hits u and u see the stack, run outta range until it goes away. they usually take pta and rush nashor's, berserker's as its easy for them to proc pta with more atk spd. they have control of the wave as they can blind u and prevent u from cs'ing and/or poke u away from it. in early laning phase, however, teemo is annoying. mid game makes it a little easier to deal with him as with more atk spd, q + aa weave-ins are ur main source of dmg. once blind is over, he has nothing to prevent u from shredding him. his blind (q) does not last very long, and even tho u cannot dmg him with aa, q, w, u can still get ur shield from w to mitigate any dmg u've taken. Hamgi says “teemo is not that hard of a counter as many ppl think despite yone's on-hits getting blocked.